Infographic: Switching to LEDS


switchin to leds v1 pdf version

An infographic for our LED light bulbs client, Go Green LED Bulbs. Made entirely in Illustrator.

Infographic: Dust Mites vs Bed Bugs

An infographic created for an Allergy company, promoting dust mite and bed bug prevention and eradication products. Copy and Graphics were all made by me. Made entirely in Illustrator.

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Interior Link Building Article: Bathroom Furniture

An article for interior link building for a bathroom furniture website. The keywords focused on are “bathroom furniture”, “vanity mirrors” and “linen cabinet”.

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Link Building Article: Electroluminescence

A link building article for the LED Bulbs website, focusing on the keyword “Electroluminescence”:

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MMSG: Forget the Electric Car; Hydrogen Cars are the New Future

A Blog post from Make My Space Green:

2008 Honda ClarityEveryone wants to know when we’ll get an electric car, one that we can plug in to the wall and then drive away with, zero emissions and zero carbon footprint. What people tend to forget is that electricity is still generated with fossil fuels. Also, there are actually some electric cars out there. Fiat and Nissan both have electric models out, but they can take as long as thirteen hours to charge up, and can’t make it very far. No, the answer lies somewhere else. What if we could use something that wouldn’t run out, that wouldn’t leave any harmful by products? What you probably didn’t know is that there is a solution–Honda’s hydrogen powered Clarity.

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